Experiments Outside The Lab.

If you are an avid follower of the blogosphere, you might have read of "lifestyle experiments". Colin Wright is probably one of the most popular experimenters and he defines these experiments as controlled changes in your lifestyle that will probably give you a new perspective. For instance - not wearing black for 4 months, or getting rid of your T.V., minimizing the use of disposable things like coffee cups, containers, etc.

That's Colin Wright with his 50 possessions. Only.
I like concept of doing something that diverges from routine and the possibility of actually improving your lifestyle in some way, no matter how little. The best part is that it doesn't have to cost anything, or turn your life upside down. It's simple. And it works. 

So I'm going to experiment too. One at a time, for at least 22 days. 22 because I have read that it takes at least 21 days to form a habit, not sure how credible that information is, but sounds believable. I am starting with something as simple as my speech. If I had to record an conversation of mine, it wouldn't take me a minute to notice the number of words I overuse. Sentence fillers such as "like", "pretty", "awesome" creep in everywhere. I'm sure I could do well without them.

That's what my first experiment is about. I'm going to consciously track my words and make sure they are worth saying. If not worth, at least not senseless. I've even asked my friends to slap my wrist every time I use "like" unnecessarily! In 21 days, I'll let you know if it works. :D

P.S. - Now that I think of the title of this post, it is faulty. I define my lab. "Experiments in The Lab" is more apt. Hmm.


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